Carbon Reduction Commitment

Elecomm are committed to reducing our carbon footprint working alongside our Clients and Supply Chain partners.
In line with Government objectives and industry best practice, we have embarked on our own sustainability journey, and we are acutely aware of the importance of supporting our clients on their Carbon Net Zero initiatives.
We have a goal of achieving Net Zero by 2035, by addressing the Scope (GHG=Greenhouse Gas) requirements in the order of priority listed below: –
- Scope 1 emissions are GHGs released directly from a business.
- Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHGs released from the energy purchased by an organisation
- Scope 3 emissions are also indirect GHG emissions, accounting for upstream and downstream emissions of a product or service, and emissions across a business’s supply chain.
We are also utilising industry signposting such as “Betterworld” , and for our referencing.
Our Programme
Scope 1
We are working with external agencies and leading-edge organisations to help us implement best practice, having recently had an environmental survey completed on our facilities, helping us to identify how we can reduce our carbon footprint covered in Scope 1 we are in a position to report our footprint under the Scope 1 . This figure forms the KPI for measuring the reduction by means such as LED lighting, PIR on HVAC, flexible/home working, more digital meetings etc.
Scope 2
Most of the energy purchased by our organisation is actually fuel for our field engineers and our travelling office staff. We are exploring the use of electric vehicles where suitable/possible, but there is still limited infrastructure to allow us to switch fully. We are introducing incentives to help staff either work from home or to use electric vehicle subsidies where possible. We intend to have our Scope 2 KPI in place by the end of 2025 for measuring and monitoring purposes and will be able to report progress after this.
Scope 3
This Scope is all encompassing and far reaching, the larger organisations in our supply chain are already on the same Scope 1 and 2 journey and we expect to have most of our top suppliers results on a similar timeline to ours i.e. end 2025. The Scope 3 process will continue all the way to 2035 as the smaller business’s gradually catch up or are forced to comply over time, at this stage it would be impossible to put a specific end date on their compliance, however, it will form part of our Sub-Contractor and supplier evaluation process by default.
We intend to publish our results via digital channels such as our website and LinkedIn profiles.